What Is a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)?
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, or DBE, is a federal initiative that "seeks to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts in the Department’s highway, transit, and airport financial assistance programs and to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for DOT-assisted contracts." In other words, DBE is intended to provide an opportunity for businesses that are historically disadvantaged. DBE certification applies to all DOT recipients, including UTA, UDOT, and the Salt Lake Airport.
Why Should I Register my Business for DBE?
How Do I Qualify to be a DBE?
The USDOT requires that all DBEs meet the requirements of small businesses as determined by the Small Business Administration. To qualify for DBE status your business must:
- Have 3-year average Gross Income must not exceed $30.32 million
- Personal income must not exceed 1.32 million. This income does not include retirement and residential properties
- Be owned 51% or more by a Social and Economically Disadvantaged Individual (SEDO)
Examples of eligible DBEs have included but is not limited to: Construction, Professional Services, Surveying, Trucking/Hauling, and Concessions.
All DBEs are required to provide an Annual Declaration of Eligibility every year to maintain their certification.
How Do I Apply for DBE?
Utah Businesses:
In order to qualify as a State of Utah DBE, you must meet the following requirements:
- Complete the UUPC application
- Complete the Personal Net Worth Statement
- Complete the Declaration of Eligibility
- Send these documents to:
Civil Rights/Judy Romrell
PO Box 141520
SLC, UT 84114-1520
Out-of-State Businesses:
Any DBE that is not located in Utah, must request an interstate status. DBE must provide us with the following materials:
- Send a letter of interest, and why you are requesting interstate status in Utah
- Send your DBE certification from your initial (home) state
- Send a screenshot of your initial (home) state DBE directory of your business
Annual Declaration of Eligibility
All DBE's in state of interstate must submit an annual declaration of eligibility on the anniversary of their certification. Complete Personal Net Worth & Declaration of Eligibility forms and submit your most recently filed personal and business taxes.
- Complete the Personal Net Worth Statement
- Complete the Declaration of Eligibility
Once these items are collected you submit your application by emailing:
Lauren Peterson
Utah DBE Directory
Information within the directory is not a guarantee of the DBE's capacity and ability to perform work. Click the button below to visit the DBE Directory portal.
2024 - 2026 Triennial Goal Public Comment Period
UTA is requesting public input on the 2024-2026 Triennial DBE Goal! Every three years, the UTA Civil Rights Team sets a goal on how much federal funding UTA will allocate for DBEs. This goal sets the tone for the next three years to help us ensure that disadvantages businesses have a level playing field at UTA. The public comments period for this is now closed.
Learn more and submit your comments and input here.